My Tools
A Non-Collection Collection
What can be simpler than a drill? I mean besides a hammer, a screw driver. the square, a plum bob... okay, so there's a few things simpler than a drill, but you get the sentiment. The point is, as simple as a drill can be, their importance far exceeds their construction. Now, I don't collect drills, but over time I've accumulated a few of them and, lucky for you (he says with a wry grin), I feel like writing about them!
The three drills shown above are the workhorses at 173 right now, but it hasn't always been these three. A few have come before and are occasionally called into service to this day. Let's get into it...
The Inspiration
The saying goes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I suppose the same can be said about me and my father as I spent a lot of hours in my youth working on our old house - 812 the Home. I enjoy those moments when I think back and remember those days, and among my favorite, and some of my clearest, of those memories are of dad working on the house and the tools associated with whatever project we were working on at the time.
As I started gathering pictures and thinking about the drills that I have, it brought me back to the drill my father had when I was a kid. As I've grown older I've come to recognize that sometimes my mind seems to play tricks on me. But, if I remember correctly, dad's drill was a Black and Decker. And the best part was that it was in what was then a popular kitchen color - autumn yellow!
My First Drill
That brings me to my first drill. I got my first drill for Christmas back in maybe 1991 or 1992. It was a gift from my mom and dad along with a matching sabre saw. When I got this drill, we hadn't bought 173 yet, and we were living in an apartment. Nonetheless, my very first drill was a Sears Craftsman #10141, 3/8" drill. This next picture is not the actual drill or the original box that I got it in, but it is the exact same box and the exact same drill my folks gave me...
And it did almost all of the work on 173 for years. This is a shot of my actual drill:
You might be able to tell that the handle and the rest of the drill are well worn. That's the result of the beating it took from the very beginning with out first major project, the basement window replacement. I can't stress enough just how much this drill has done at 173 over the years, so much so that even the wire to the drill itself was wearing out. In this picture the ol' Craftsman was probably 10 or 15 year. Even the electrical tape was wearing out!
And as funny as this is gonna sound, one of the things that I'm really proud of is that the chuck key that just kinda sits in the top of the drill with a little bit of a friction grip is still the original. I've kept track of it all these years. Sure there were times I thought I lost it, but with a little searching I was always able to track it down and put it back in its place.
And here's a goofy little shot of the old Craftsman while I was probably making some adjustments to the garden bench. You can see one more thing that's been around quite awhile and that's Linus. At the time of this post Linus is at least 15 years old, maybe 16. In this picture, you can tell he was quite a bit younger because of all the red hair on his face and head, which is all white now, much like mine.
Came Time For A Replacement
But as it turns out, all things come to an end. Although the Craftsman didn't exactly reach its end, it was really showing its age, and wasn't working quite to the standard that it had all these years. So - it was time for a replacement. I don't know where I picked up this cheap little Handi drill but it was kind of an interim drill and I knew wouldn't be around or used for long.
But whatever project I was working on at the time. I needed another drill so I picked this one up. The problem is it doesn't have variable speeds and when you pull the trigger that thing just takes off! This Handi drill has done a little bit of work, but definitely not anywhere close to what the old Craftsman accomplished over the years.
My "Real" Replacement
Like I said, I've only used that cheap drill a handful of times but I used it for maybe a year because I was really looking for the right drill and I just wasn't coming across it. Every time I went to Lowe's or Home Depot or any other such store, I would check all the drills trying to find the one. Then one day about 10 or 12 years ago, my Uncle and I went to a Grizzly Tool Store in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. I saw this Dewalt drill and fell in love with the heft of it and the way it fit in my hand.
When I asked the clerk about the drill, he said all they had left was the floor model. I don't remember what kind of a discount I got, but it was pretty good. Fun fact - in this picture, you can actually see the little label that was on it when it was the floor model!
So this Dewalt D21002, 6 Amp 3/8-Inch Drill really turned out to be great drill. These days it's my main drill for heavier jobs here at 173.
Dewalt introduces its new corded 3/8-inch drill for the professional. With 6 amps of power, 2,500 rpm, and the highest torque rating in its class, the new D21002 is built to work hard and fast. The D21002 offers an all-metal keyed chuck. The D21002 also boasts best-in-class ergonomics. The new design offers the optimal mix of weight, balance, comfort, and power. The D21002 was designed with durability in mind. Quality features such as the glass-filled nylon housing and all-ball-bearing construction ensure long, dependable tool life. - Dewalt website
My First Cordless
And that brings us to my very burst cordless drill. A Craftsman 19.2 amp cordless drill from the C3 series period. I came about it because I was at my parents' house probably 8 or 9 years ago. Dad and I were out in his workshop. He was showing me his new cordless drill, I think a Porter Cable. Then he pulled out this Craftsman cordless drill, then he pulled out two more of the exact same drill - he was like that, at least two of every tool.
So he had three of these Craftsman cordless drills, and generous as always, he asked if I wanted one. Of course I said absolutely! I make a point of this because for so many years I scoffed at cordless drills and cordless tools altogether because I thought like, what's the big deal? I mean, all you gotta do is plug the tool into your extension cord. And I never had a problem dragging my cords around and getting the job done. But dad was offering so I took him up on the offer.
Turns out, it didn't take me long to absolutely fall in love with cordless drills and, much like the Craftsman before ii, this Craftsman has been and still is my number one drill around the house.
Then Came My Drill Driver
One day, I was in the middle of putting a new roof on the carport and I don't remember why but I was really struggling with my cordless drill. I got a little frustrated because I needed more torque. I could have just used my Dewalt but, and get this - I didn't want to have to drag around an extension cord.
So I bought a Makita drill driver on Amazon and I gotta tell you, once I started using that thing it was a game changer! Screws went in so much faster and smoother.
Nothing is forever, if you have enough power tools. - Albie Sachs
My Beast of a Hammer Drill
Then we come to my Milwaukee hammer drill. Back in the late'90s, relatives from Germany had come to visit and see what was, at that time, our new house, and help us replace the basement windows and put in a new floor. We practically destroyed my first drill mentioned earlier. But once the project was done, we were at Home Depot and they bought me a hammer drill.
Just a few random posts from The Stacks for your reading enjoyment!
✤ A Cleveland Pear Tree for the Devil Strip - June 2013
✤ The Dining Room Built-In Reveal - February 2018
✤ Just In Case the Yankees Need Someone - November 2020
✤ Second Time Around for the Carport - July 2016
Now for a random label: Legacy Projects
Of course by that time the basement windows were done and I wondered just how often would i actually use such a beast of a drill. However, over the years I've used this thing quite a number of times, from helping neighbors, to projects out in the yard and in the basement.
This tool is ideal for setting concrete screw fasteners and drilling small holes for anchors. It can also be used in the drilling only mode for holes in wood, steel and plastic. The 5378-21 Hammer-Drill comes with a depth gauge, removable side handle, 1/2 in. chuck with key. - Milwaukee Tools
Well, there you have it - my small "non"-collection of hand drills. Less than exciting I know, but you stuck around. Thank you for that!
See ya' next time,