Hanging a Valance

I Always Break Into the Liberty Valance Song

A good friend of mine made this super valance for the back porch, and I love it!  It really adds that finishing touch that I've felt the porch was missing.  (Ha!  At this rate I don't think the words "finish" and "porch" go together!)

I put a lot of thought into how to hang the valance.  I thought about rods, cables, bars, staples (yup - it was a thought).  Then I saw this picture at Fresh Art Photography  and loved the simplicity.  

I guess my thought was that my porch is just that - a porch.  It functions as a mud room, and it's out primary entrance (I could count on one hand the number of times I've walked through the front porch door!).  I really wanted something simple, and at the same time I certainly didn't want ugly!  This is what I did:

From out of the East a stranger came
A law book in his hand, a man
The kind of a man the West would need
To tame a troubled land

'Cause the point of a gun was the only law
That Liberty understood
When it came to shooting straight and fast
He was mighty good... from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

(I really need to get a "real" camera!)  I put nails over the window trim, and hung the valance using curtain rings with clips.  That's it...simple and we love the look.  We also experimented with gathering, I guess that's the term for having some hang down between the clips.  We might try it again another time, but for now we like it without gathering.  I wonder if there's a word for that?  LOL.

And here's one final look - in the other direction...

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