Back At It! Garden Bench Repair

It's been a long time since I posted anything - but that's because I haven't DONE anything since May. That's when I took a spill and fractured five ribs.  I'm mending really well and can move around well, but I still can't lay flat so I'm STILL in the ugly rented recliner.  I've tried doing some very light work on projects, but the muscles on my left side are still healing so there isn't any overhead work yet.  But! ... Today I actually ticked another item off the 2012 list.  It's not a major project, but something that had to be done.  A number of years ago I built the garden bench out of scrap lumber from the fence project.  It's held up really well over the years, just needing one of the seat boards to be replaced a few years ago.  But this summer the bench began to show its age...

In the picture above, you can see the rot on top of the backboard and the same was happening on both of the seat boards.So today I decided it was time to #1 - do at least SOME work, and #2 - fix the bench.  When I built the bench I used pressure treated lumber for the frame and non-treated for the backboard and the seat.  I built it with replacement in mind so I put it together in a way that would make it easy to take apart.  

After dissembling for the replacement boards, I simply cut a few notches and put the new boards in place.

Tonight I'll stain the whole thing again with Behr Deck Stain and it should be good for a number of years to come!  Staining tonight because, while the repair took less than an hour - it's 90+ degrees outside!  Felt great to get out and DO something, even if it was a small project!

UPDATE:  And here it is - just like new!

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