Winter Has Finally Arrived!

Winter in this part of New York has been virtually non-existent this year. It may have been good for the wallet, but with everything being brown and gray - it really hasn't been great for the mood.

Well, February 29th, thaaat's right...the very end of February, a day in which most years would have been March 1st...winter arrived! Thought I'd post a couple pics of 173 in all her winter glory!  Oh, in case you can't tell - I love snow!  The birch tree and the fence line always look so nice draped in snow:

And I love the hemlock in the back yard:

And finally, the apple tree in the front yard.

This got me to thinking...maybe this summer a should do a post of a tour of the yards.  I think most would be surprised how much is packed into the postage stamp yard here at 173.  Happy winter everyone!

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